Plant efficiency problems are complex and not as though there will be endless, if we trace in detail the activities of manufacturing has a side that charges against the company’s costs but if we are observant then all forms of corporate expenses due to production activity can be minimized gradually.

So it is with carrying wastage, without realizing it also affects the timely delivery of time (Just-In-Time-JIT), which ultimately also affect the high production cost. Many activities are carried out everyday which is a waste. Starting from shipping, store activity, production and other activity. All these activities are mostly wasted in the sense that if it changed its management will be able to reduce the waste that exists. Activities move goods from one place to another does require special handling and standardization are clear. If there are accumulated a lot of moving goods and even thousands of activities conducted by the workers and of course thousands of kilometers of distance covered after moving goods from one place elsewhere. If you can cut off half of it then the savings can be achieved in large numbers.

The problem is that many manufacturing activities that could have been eliminated but the workers remain to be done. Some common activities were identified as carrying wastage include:
Carrying of unnecessary articles
Transfer storage
– Reloading-on of articles
Long distance transportation
– Flow articles
– Poor activity

Many reasons that cause wastage carrying as above, is handling the problem like this can not be partial, but must be thorough and involve all components of the company.