Basically, the purpose of a business is to create a satisfied consumer. The creation of customer satisfaction can provide several benefits such as the influence between the company and the consumer into a harmonious, providing a good basis for repeat purchase and the creation of consumer loyalty, and form a recommendation from mouth to mouth that is profitable for the company.
There are some experts who define consumer satisfaction or dissatisfaction. Consumer satisfaction or dissatisfaction is the consumer’s response to a disconfirmation evaluation perceived between previous expectations (or other performance norms) and the actual performance of the perceived product after its use.
Definitively it can be said that consumer satisfaction (Basu Swastha, 2000) is: “An impulse of individual desire that is directed to the goal to obtain satisfaction. In this case we need to know that a desire must be created or encouraged before fulfilling the motive. The source that drives the creation of a desire can be different from the person himself or in his environment.
According to Kotler and Armstrong (2001: 9): Consumer satisfaction is the extent to which perceived product performance meets buyer expectations. When product performance is lower than customer expectations, then the buyer is satisfied or very happy.
According to Zeithaml and Bitner (2000: 75) the definition of satisfaction is: Response or response of consumers regarding the fulfillment of needs. Satisfaction is an assessment of the characteristics or features of the product or service, or the product itself, which provides the level of consumer pleasure associated with the fulfillment of consumer consumption needs.
According Pasuraman, Zeithaml, and Berry [6], argued that customer satisfaction is the feeling of customers to one type of service obtained.
According to Philip Kotler and Kevin Lane Keller, quoted from the book Marketing Management says that Consumer Satisfaction is the feeling of pleasure or disappointment of someone who emerged after comparing the performance (result) of thought products to the expected performance (2007: 177).
Consumer satisfaction is the level of consumer feeling after comparing between what he received and his expectations (Umar, 2005: 65). A customer, if satisfied with the value provided by the product or service, is very likely to be a customer for a long time.
According to Philip Kotler (2002: 42) “Consumer satisfaction is the feeling of pleasure or disappointment of someone who derives from the comparison between his impressions of the performance (or outcome) of a product and its expectations”.
Meanwhile, according to Zulian Yamit (2005: 78) “Consumer satisfaction is the evaluation of after-sales or evaluation results after comparing what is perceived with expectations”. In the concept of customer satisfaction, there are two elements that influence the expectations and performance.
Thus, it can be concluded that customer satisfaction is the level of feelings of pleasure or disappointed consumers after comparing what he has received with expectations. Satisfying customer needs is the desire of the whole company. Consumer satisfaction is the main attraction for the business they run. This can increase the advantage among its competitors. Consumers who are satisfied will tend to reappear in the future. Does not this mean that customer satisfaction becomes the key to returning consumers to re-purchase?