The 5S program was first introduced in Japan are movements to train sorting, arrangement (seiton), cleansing (seiso), guarding steady conditions (seiketsu), and self-purification of the habits necessary to do a good job (shitsuke). 5s is to improve workplace efficiency and quality

The contents of 5S include:

1. 整理 (seiri),is an activity to get rid of items that are not needed so that all goods on the work site only goods that really needed in work activities.
Seiri is the first step of implementation of 5S, namely: sorting of useful and useless goods:
Handy stuff => Saved
Items not useful => Removed
In this first step known as Red Tag Strategy, which marks the goods that are not useful with red label (red tag) to be easily distinguished from the items that are still useful. The items with the red label are then removed from the workplace. The leaner (lean) of the workplace of unneeded items, the more efficient the workplace will be.

2. 整頓 (seiton),everything must be placed according to the position set so ready for use when needed.
Seiton is the second step after sorting, namely: the arrangement of useful items easy to find, and safe, and given an indication.
In this second step is known the term Signboard Strategy, which is placing useful items neatly and regularly then given an indication or explanation of the place, the name of the goods, and how much the goods so that when the goods will be used easily and quickly accessed. Signboard strategy reduces waste in the form of movements fro searching for goods.

3. 清楚 (seiso),is an activity to clean the equipment and work area so that all work equipment is maintained in good condition.
Seiso is the third step after the arrangement, namely: cleaning of items that have been arranged neatly so as not to dirty, including workplace and environment and machine, both machine breakdown and in the program of preventive maintenance (PM).
As much as possible the workplace is made clean and shining like an exhibition space for a healthy work environment and comfortable so as to prevent the motivation of work down due to dirty work place and mess

4. 清潔 (seiketsu),is a personal hygiene activity as well as complying with the previous three stages.
Seiketsu is the next step after seiri, seiton, and seiso, namely: guarding a clean and tidy working environment into a standard work. The circumstances achieved in seiri, seiton, and seiso processes must be standardized. These standards should be easily understood, implemented throughout the organization, and regularly and periodically checked.

5. 躾 け (shitsuke),is personal discipline maintenance of each worker in running all 5S stages.
Shitsuke is the last step, that is self-awareness of work ethics:
Discipline against standards
Mutual respect
Shame to commit a foul
Pleased to make improvements

The benefits of implementing 5R culture (5S) in the workplace include:
1. Increase productivity due to more efficient workplace settings.
2.Meningkatkan comfort because the workplace is always clean and become spacious / roomy.
3.Mengurangi hazards in the workplace because of good workplace quality / good.
4. Increase savings for eliminating waste in the workplace.

5S implementation should be implemented in stages in order. If the first stage (seiri) is not done well, then the next stage will not be able to run optimally, and so on.