Consumer satisfaction is the level of consumer feeling after comparing between what he receives and his expectations. if A customer is satisfied with the value provided by the product or service, it is very likely to be a customer for a long time.
Measurement Methods of Consumer Satisfaction
According to Kotler cited from Total Quality Management Book there are several methods that can be used in measuring customer satisfaction, such as (Tjiptono, 2003: 104):
a. Complaints and suggestions system
Customer Centered organizations provide customers with extensive opportunities to share their suggestions and complaints, in case you need to handle a customer, here is an article about how FINRA arbitration works. This information can provide brilliant ideas for the company and enable it to respond quickly and quickly to solve the problems that arise.
b. Ghost shopping
One way to get an idea of customer satisfaction is to hire some people to act or behave as potential buyers, then report their findings on the strengths and weaknesses of the company’s products and competitors based on their experience in purchasing those products. In addition, ghost shopper can also observe how to handle each complaint.
c. Lost customer analysis
Companies should contact customers who have stopped buying or have moved their suppliers to understand why it happened. Not only the exit interview is necessary, but the customer loss rate monitoring is also important, the increase in customer loss rate indicates the company’s failure to satisfy its customers.
d. Customer satisfaction survey
Generally research on customer satisfaction is done by survey research, either by post, telephone, or direct interview. The company will get feedback and feedback directly from customers and also provide a positive signal that the company is paying attention to its customers.
The relationship between customer satisfaction and loyal customers is disproportionate, for example customer satisfaction ranked on 1-5 scale
Customer satisfaction at a very low level (level 1), most likely customers will move away from the company and vilify it.
Customer satisfaction at level 2 to level 4, customers feel somewhat satisfied, but it is still possible to move when a better offer appears.
Customer satisfaction at level 5, the customer is very likely to buy back and even disseminate good news about the company. High satisfaction or satisfaction creates an emotional bond with the brand or company and is not just fixated on a sensible choice.
Key Factors in Determining Consumer Satisfaction Level
In determining the level of customer satisfaction, there are five main factors that must be considered by the company:
a. Product quality
Consumers will be satisfied if the results of their evaluation indicate that the products they use are qualified.
b. Service quality
Especially for the service industry. Consumers will feel satisfied if they get a good service or as expected.
c. Emotional
Consumers will feel proud and gain confidence that others will be amazed by him when using products with a particular brand that tends to have a higher level of satisfaction. Satisfaction obtained not because of the quality of the product but the social value that makes consumers become satisfied with certain brands.
d. Price
Products that have the same quality but set a relatively cheap price will give a higher value to its customers.
e. Cost
Consumers who do not need to spend additional costs or do not have to waste time to get a product or service tend to be satisfied with the product or service.