Design For Six Sigma ( DFSS ) is a business process management methodology related to traditional Six Sigma . DFSS has the objective to determine the needs of the customer and the needs of the business as well as direct to the product , can constitute a solution . In addition it is also quite relevant to DFSS phase synthesis of complex systems or products , particularly in the context of the development of the system unprecedented .
DFSS is also sometimes often equated with DMADV ( Define Measure Analyze Design Verify ) . In contrast to the DMAIC ( Define Analyze Improve Control ) traditional Six Sigma , DFSS or DMADV struggled to produce a process that previously did not exist or when an existing process is considered inadequate and should be replaced . DFSS aims to create a process that optimizes the efficiency of the method of creating a Six Sigma into the process before implementation , unlike traditional Six Sigma continuous improvement after doing this process occurs .
Then how proper order so that DFSS can be done well ? Let us discuss them one by one .
1. New product introduction , includes a selection of concepts to meet the needs of new business
2. Define , the beginning of the project significantly DFSS
3. Customer , the stage where the customer has been identified to the fullest and their needs have been analyzed .
4. Concept , the team took the concept provided by the business to a new product or service and begin to refine the concept for ‘ paper design’ is used .
5. Design , design team handed the raw and the designers complete the job using all the CTP as a guide and evaluator to ensure the perfect design
6. Implement, includes piloting and refining
7. Handover , once fully implemented , then the product or service and support processes can be handed over to the owner of the new process .
It’s important to keep the overall life cycle of a product or a new service . It starts when an organization has formally approved the requirement for something new and ends when the product or service has been moved into the hands of the customer.