Productivity means something that contains the potential to be extracted , so that productivity may say something in order to process structured activities that explore the potential that exists in an object . Philosophy productivity implies the desire and effort of every man to always improve the quality of life and livelihood .
In general, productivity is defined as the ratio between the output with the input, productivity is “Concerning matter the final outcome , ie how much the final results obtained in the production process , in this case the efficiency and effectiveness ” and Comparison between the output with the input . If productivity is rising was only made possible by an increase in efficiency ( time , materials , labor ) and labor systems , production techniques and an increase in the skills of its workforce ” .
From the opinions of the aforementioned productivity has two dimensions , the first effectiveness that leads to the achievement of maximum work is the achievement of targets relating to quality , quantity , and time . The second is related to the efficiency of efforts to compare the input with the realization of its use or how the work is carried out .
Efficiency is a measure of the input comparing planned with actual input . If it turns out that the actual input is used the greater the savings , the higher the level of efficiency . While the effectiveness of a measure that gives a picture of the target is achieved . If two things are linked to each other , then the increased effectiveness will not necessarily guarantee increased efficiency .