The main focus of Six Sigma as a management system is in three things , namely customer focus , process management as well as facts and data. In Six Sigma , customer satisfaction to be an important focus in supporting income (revenue ) . While in the process of production , the role of sig sigma reduce the risk of the appearance of the product is defective ( defect ) . With the reduced number of product defects , will directly influence the effectiveness of production activities so that the level of productivity will increase as more efficient and effective production process . Thus , viewing the business and process management as a system influence each other in order to meet customer requirements and achieve the target . Each step in the Six Sigma should be based on facts and data to improve objectivity in decision-making .
Six sigma has several definitions , including the definition of six sigma based on the opinion, which states that the sig sigma is concept work more efficiently so that companies can reduce the risk of error to the process or service it produces . Six Sigma is a business strategy , Six Sigma can help companies produce products , processes or services that can compete .
From the definition above , it can be concluded that Six Sigma is a comprehensive and flexible system for achieving , maintaining , and maximizing business success . Six Sigma is uniquely driven by a strong understanding of customer needs , disciplined use of the facts , data, and statistical analysis , and careful attention to managing , improving , and reinforce the business process , where companies are trying to reduce number of unnecessary production variations in optimizing productivity .
The methodology used in the methods of Six Sigma is DMAIC ( define , measure, analyze , improvement , control ) . Six Sigma methodology is not a rigid approach . Approaches will vary , partly using the approach in the fifth stage , some will not enter the define phase . The point of all this is a set of tools that aims to help managers and employees understanding the , measure performance and improve the critical processes that create customer satisfaction ( Niviari , 2021) .
The phases of six sigma approach include : Stage define which aims to identify the product or process to be improved and to determine what resources are needed in the project . In this phase of the Six Sigma team is responsible for identifying potential projects , prioritize efforts , and set goals . This is usually achieved through the process of opportunity identification , assessment , and prioritization .
The second stage is the stage of measure that aims to determine the Critical To Quality ( CTQ ) is directly related to the specific needs of the customer and present performance measurement in the size of the value of sigma . Measurements were carried out considering every dimension of business services at services or products in the manufacturing industry dimensions to determine the variables that influence the occurrence of irregularities that can affect the process capability .
The third phase of the six sigma approach is sig analyze . This stage aims to examine the data collected in phase measure for determining the priority list of the sources of variation . In this phase the project team gain a deeper understanding of the process being measured . The next step is to find the main cause of disability variable or dissatisfaction that occurs at this time to be fixed immediately so as to minimize the occurrence of similar problems in the future . As a tool to carry out this analysis method can be used fishbone diagrams , brainstorming , statistical tests , modeling and root cause analysis . At this stage the number of failures also be converted into opportunity cost .
The next six sigma team did Improvement to optimize the solution and confirm that the proposed solution will meet or exceed the goals of the improvement project . During this phase , the project team optimize critical processes them through certain methods , such as Design of Experiment ( DOE ) and process redesign as needed . The final step in this approach is the control . This stage aims to ensure that improvements in the process , once implemented will survive and that the process will not go back to a previous state . In this phase of the project team to communicate the new process and its parameters to the field . Operational personnel to monitor the process and ensure that it works within the limits specified . Management companies should facilitate project teams to communicate the new process at the operational team with operational boundaries clearly identified . In this phase the documentation was to be everything about the process after passing the control phase .
Six Sigma approach with the implementation phase of the DMAIC ( Define, Measure , Analyze , Improvement , Control ) has a direct impact on the sustainability and continuity of production . The amount of data and facts obtained is a reflection of the real measure of corporate performance . It is not possible a company can achieve sig sigma conditions with zero defect approach 3.4 DPM . Companies that begin to learn to adjust to make it more efficient production concepts necessary to implement the approach six sigma . With the test data will be information about the performance in the company’s production . For some cases , there will be some deviation above or below the normal line that will be in the sig sigma approach will be reflected in the distribution curve average product defect . By finding and plotting the standard deviation of the data from the average curve to the normal distribution curve , it will be known as far as what level of irregularities generated in the production process ( defective products ) . With the information, the company can learn to improve the activity of production of goods and services to be more efficient and effective in achieving their level of optimum productivity .