Because the main focus of Lean is to eliminate waste in the process , then the concept is there are 7 kinds of waste that generally occurs , which must be removed . 7 Waste include:
1. Transportation Waste ( Waste consists of a transfer or conveyance that is not necessary as the placement of temporary , again buildup , the movement of goods )
2. Waste Excess Inventory ( Inventory , stocks or excess inventory )
3. Waste Movement ( Motion , is a waste of time that is used to look for , then movement is inefficient and not ergonomic )
4. Waste Waiting ( Waiting , this waste among other activities including automatic machines waiting , waiting for things to come , etc. )
5. Excess Waste Production ( Over Production , produces products exceeds demand , or ahead of schedule )
6. Excess Waste Process ( Over Processing , adding that the process is not required for goods products will only add to the cost of production
7. Defect Waste ( Rework , rework no added value ( the customer does not pay ) .

All types of waste often goes unnoticed , because it has been regarded as a natural and common , but in fact very harmful , particularly often causes the increase of operational cost (cost ) that should be avoided . Therefore, the application of Lean can help organizations cut unnecessary costs , while increasing revenue