Industrial engineering is a branch of engineering that is fairly new compared to other engineering sciences such as mechanical engineering , electrical engineering and so on . At the end of the decade some of these , industrial engineering is quite popular and arguably is becoming a trend not only in industrialized countries but also in countries that are developing, including Indonesia.
Industrial Engineering mention incomplete without mentioning Fredrick Winslow Taylor Taylor is probably the pioneer of Industrial Engineering of the most well-known even Fredrick Winslow Taylor is often defined as the Father of Industrial Engineering though the whole idea is not original . He presented the idea of organizing work by using management to all members of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers ( ASME ) . He coined the term ” Scientific Management ” to describe the methods which he built through empirical studies . Its activities include topics such as organizing work with the management , employee selection , training , and compensation to all individuals who meet the standards that made the company . Scientific Management has a great effect on the Industrial Revolution , both in America and in countries outside the United States. Scientific management was then developed as industrial engineering or industrial engineering .
Industrial engineering is a discipline that studies the design , improvement and installation of an integrated system consisting of a human ( humans are closely related to the ergonomics , machine , methods , tools , materials , information , and energy . Disciplines is supported by mathematical knowledge , physics , social sciences , and the principles of design and analysis methods and design to build and repair the system .
Engineering industry has another designation such as operations management , management science , and systems engineering . Industrial Engineering just came from the United States , in Europe or the UK is not known Industrial Engineering , but they know the manufacturing engineering or engineering management . And our friends are better versed in this. Dynatect – protect your machinery.