General understanding about customer satisfaction or dissatisfaction is the result of the differences between consumer expectations with the performance perceived by consumers. Various definitions of customer satisfaction that has been researched and defined by marketing experts , it can be concluded that customer satisfaction is a behavioral response consumers in the form of after- purchase evaluation of a good or service that feels ( product performance ) compared to consumer expectations .
Customer satisfaction is very dependent on the perceptions and expectations of the consumers themselves . The factors that influence perceptions and expectations of consumers when making a purchase of goods or services is the need and desire felt by the consumer when purchasing a product or service , past experience when consuming goods or services and the experience of friends who have consume the goods or services and advertising .
In the competitive environment , the indicators that can demonstrate customer satisfaction is whether consumers will buy back and use the product at a time when that will come . As for some sense of customer satisfaction according to the researchers is as follows :
According to Kotler, satisfaction is a person’s feelings of pleasure or disappointment that emerged after comparing the perception or impression of the performance or the outcome of a product and its expectations . Thus , satisfaction is a function of perception or impression of performance and expectations . If performance is below expectations then the customer is not satisfied . If performance meets expectations then the customer will be satisfied . If performance exceeds expectations , the customer will be very satisfied. Key to generate customer loyalty is to provide a high customer value .