Explanation House od Toyota as written previous article:
Operational Stability means ensuring that the value stream has had a good working standard, high-quality products, processes with minimal waste, Total Productive Maintenance, and Supplier Involvement

Human Resources, in this case building a lean culture to all the member factories / companies and form the character of the people who are highly motivated, highly skilled and flexible and have the vision to build the company into better and better.

Just In Time (JIT) – The Right Part at the right time in the right mount – is one of the buffer Lean Six Sigma to achieve quality, cost and intensive delivery optimal with due regard to continuous flow, pull system, Production Level.

Jidoka (Built-in Quality) with machinery and labor seeking work optimally to achieve a high level of quality with respect to manual / automatic stop line, labor-machine separation, Poka-yoke (error Proofing) and by applying the visual control system that continues to be updated periodically.

Quality – Cost – Delivery, is an achievement target in lean sigma. High quality, competitive cost / low and rapid and precise delivery. This can be done through shortening the production flow and eliminate waste seven