Motorola Six Sigma is a method or technique of dramatic improvement of the quality control and applied by the company Motorola since 1986, which is a new breakthrough in the field of quality management. Many quality management experts claim that Motorola developed Six Sigma methods and widely accepted by the industry, because management industry frustration with the quality management systems, which are not capable of improving the quality of the failure rate of zero (zero defects).
Many quality management system, such as ISO 9000 is only emphasize continuous improvement efforts based on the realization of an independent management without providing a powerful solution how to make a breakthrough to dramatically improve the failure rate to zero. Control principles and Six Sigma quality improvement
Motorola is able to answer this challenge. It has been proved Motorola company, which for approximately ten years after the implementation of the concept of Six Sigma has been able to achieve the quality level of 3.4 DPMO (defects per million opportunities).
According to Vincent Gaspersz in his book “Continuous Cost Reduction through Lean Six Sigma Approach”, Some of the success of Motorola’s Six Sigma program application is worthy of note are as follows:
– Increased productivity on average 12.3% per year
– Decrease COPQ (cost of poor quality) of more than 84%
– Elimination of approximately 99.7% of failure processes
– Manufacturing cost savings of more than 11 billion dollars and
– Annual growth rate average of 17% in revenues, profits, and Motorola’s stock price