Every time in the world of manufacturing, we are always required to Improve, improve and Improve. If the company wants progress must always make improvement every time. Improvement is based because of increasing competition in the product, both types of products and quality on the market. Some of the principles that must be held by the manufacturer to develop the company can be described as follows:
1. Improvement must be general and easily applied
Methods of improvement are made, as far as possible should be applied by all members of the company. But if it is not possible to be arranged so that member companies that deal directly with the product can contribute to improvement of the methods that have been made.
2. Improvement should focus on the customer and the production process.
Customer satisfaction is the key to the success of our products acceptable to the market or not. Market competition will be able to conquer us if we stay on track with FBC (Faster-Better-Cheaper) for all products that compete in the market place. Focus on the Customer is a feedback from production activities to perform in every element of efficiency. It is intended to get a quality product at a time with a very low price. Starting from 5s activities, control of production and entire effort for improvement
3. Improvement should use scientific methods are simple and widely recognized as well-Shewhat Deming Cycle (Plan-Do-Check-Action) or commonly called the PDCAconcept